I'm a slacker. I really have so many other things I should be doing right now but I wanted to fit in one last post in 2008.
Christmas Eve we had a bunch of my mom's family over. We ate, played games and did the hokey pokey and it was really fun.
I went to a show my friend played in Phoenix and found this on a trash can in this little alley. I thought it was funny.
I also got to talk to Jeremy on Christmas Eve. That was probably my favorite part of Christmas. I went to his house and he talked to us on speaker phone for about two hours and then each of us took a turn talking to him. I wasn't expecting to be able to talk to him by myself so that was very exciting. I am very glad his mom let me do that :) He is doing good but he says its really hard. The people of Russia are rude and he says no one smiles so its hard to keep your spirits up some times but he tries. He had a lot of funny stories to share and a couple scary ones. He has been gone for 7 months now. Weird. It was really hard to give the phone up and my emotions were all out of whack the few days that followed but it was totally worth it.
It is so crazy to me that today is the last day of 2008. This year flew by. A lot happened but I'm glad to have a brand new year begin. Plus, come tomorrow, I can start saying Jeremy comes home next year. I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I don't care :)