

1. I am thankful for how beautiful it is outside. I took a short walk and it felt so good.

2. I am thankful to not have school tomorrow so I can stay up a little later to watch my shows.

3. I am thankful for the good friends I have. I have quite a few different friends that I'm quite close with, despite the fact that I don't talk to them everyday. Sometimes we'll go a couple months without talking to each other but when we get together its like we were never apart. I love that.

1. I am thankful I get along so well with Connor. Since I got off work early today I got to hang out with him for a little bit. We weren't doing anything special, just watching tv, but we were laughing the whole time. It was fun.

2. I am so thankful for all veterans who have served and all soldiers currently serving for our country.

3. I am thankful for my education. School gets old pretty fast once a new semester starts, but I'm thankful I am able to continue my education out of high school.


M + L said...

YOU, getting along with Connor?! HA HA HA HA!!! Now THAT'S funny :)

cassie said...

Yeah because you live at home and would know...