
something like that

remember that one time when i was ten years old and had a ton of writing assignments to do for school?
let me refresh your memory.

from if i could have a kitten
"if it were my dad's decision i wouldn't have a kitten or a cat. if it were my mom's decision i might have a kitten, but not a cat. unfortunately, kittens grow into cats."
once a genius, always a genius. best part is, i don't even like animals. i have no idea where that came from.

from about me
"the things i do best are math and spelling. ... i'm good at talking on the phone. i'm also good at just plane talking. ... i'm not that great at spanish, i can't speak it very well. i'm not good at cleaning."
in my defense, i did not spell the word wrong. i simply used the wrong one.

from my red ribbon
"...i deserve to wear a red ribbon! no matter how it looks, you deserve to wear one too. ... what is the point in taking drugs? all you get out of it is you will probably die. if you do it to be cool, you're not, and a lot of people think you're not. if you want to kill yourself, go ahead, but i still think it's a dumb choice."
i don't even know how to respond to that.

from about my room
"my parents feel my room is messy. they always tell me to clean it up, but it never happens. they always say it is a pigstie. even when i clean it up real good, it's not clean, well sometimes it is. most of the time my room is messy because i throw my clothes all over the place. my parents go pretty easy on me."
this may or may not still be true.

from my exciting day
"the most exciting day in my life was when i went to my first nsync concert. ... even though i was getting over the chicken pox when i went it was still so fun! i went on june 6, 2000. i will remember it forever! ... the people who were involved that day were lindsay, kelly, jenny, christy, me and of course nsync along with all of the other fans. ... i'll probably bring in picures when i'm student of the week."

from my kind of holiday
"my favorite holiday is christmas. ... the best part about this holiday is the love. i also like the giving. also, of course, like everyone else, the presents. i love the presents. christmas is the best time of year."

guess it's true. old habits die hard.


under my tree

i listen to johnjay and rich on 104.7 kiss fm every morning.
during the Christmas season, they do a little thing called Christmas Wish where people write in about someone they know who is in need of help. they aim for families with children, so that the kids will get some sort of a Christmas. my sister and i were almost crying on the way to work this morning listening to it. it's about a half hour long, but i promise it's worth listening to. click here to do so.
they grant a Christmas Wish every day in the month of december. click here to listen to them all as they post them. just look for someone's name with the words Christmas Wish next to it.

on a side note, just thought i would share one my favorite things about the holidays. it would be listening to this:and no, i'm not kidding. it brings out the 11 year old girl in me :)

happy hoildays!


time passes

oh. my. gosh.
so, i'm not usually one to do this. don't get me wrong, i'm completely addicted to the series and all but i just think people go WAY overboard with it sometimes. because as wonderful and amazing and fantastical as it is, it is FICTIONAL.
with that being said,
if you haven't seen it, run right now and do so. getting rid of catherine hardwicke is the BEST thing that ever happened to the series. i would give my soul to whoever made that decision. this one is about a MILLION times better than the first. did you read that? A MILLION TIMES BETTER.
thank you chris weitz for not letting me down.


just blame the limelight

i finally got my room clean enough for pictures!
because i know you've been dying to see it.
SO, here you are:
my bookshelves that i LOVE.
and the wall above my closet, that i'm not so fond of. i need to fix it, i'm just not sure what i want to do yet.

yes, i'm aware of how pathetic that little tv looks on my dresser.
yes, i do use my brother's old ps2 as my dvd player.
yes, i store water and cereal in my bedroom. if i don't, people steal it.

my picture wall! quite possibly my favorite part of the room.

there you have it. i know, i know. maaad decorating skills.
i like it, and i guess that's the important part.


don't stop believin'

dear girl dressed head to toe in zebra print,
if that outfit doesn't qualify you for what not to wear, i don't know what will. there is such a thing as matching too much to the point where you're not even matching anymore. make sense? good, now burn the tights.

dear h&m,
welcome to arizona. and thanks for finally opening when i'm too poor to go. really, that is awesome.

dear phoenix suns,
remember this? no? that's ok, at least you guys are killing it so far this season.

dear glee,
you may or may not be my new favorite show. i haven't decided, but i'm going to go ahead and refer to myself as a gleek from now on. and i kind of want to chuck a slushy in someone's face now.

dear bedroom,
i told you you'd get clean. it only took like what, 4 months? my personal best.

dear twilight,
fourth time around and still good. props to you (&SM).

dear writers of the office,
i would really like to meet the person that came up with the line, "i am not superstitious, but i am a little stitious." they should make a statue of you or something.

dear readers,
if you would like to know why i avoid shopping at walmart when possible, please click HERE. but only if you are okay with being appalled.

dear byu,
i take back what i said, you're not as bad as i thought. but if i get another cold sore before i come next time like i have the last 2 times, i reserve the right to change my mind again.

dear friends/classmates,
stop getting married and having babies. you're making me feel old and i don't like it.

ex's & oh's,



my family went and took pictures together. nothing super special, we just got a tripod and took them ourselves. some need some serious editing but most are cute.

the whole fam
connor, kelly, cassie, lindsay, mom and dad.

my cute parents
check out kelly's legs. hahahaha!
mom & connor
dad & girls

we had a lot of people laughing at us because we were goofing off the whole time. it was fun! i love my family :)



for halloween this year i decided that since i have like 2 friends here, i should go to provo. wise choice on my part. usually i dread halloween because i never have cool enough ideas for costumes and i just find things like that uncomfortable. but this year was a blaaaast. my costume, a rockstar, was nothing special but considering i haven't dressed up for halloween since i was 11, i think it turned out pretty good.we had some trouble deciding what to do because there were a lot of options but we finally settled on a place and had a fabulous night getting sweaty (i.e. dancing). next year i hope to find a man to go along with my womanizer idea.

the whole weekend was crazy fun. a highlight was paying this lovely friend $5 to walk into target like this:she got a bloody nose in the car. that was all that was available.

and now, catching up on my shows :)


i say a little prayer for youuuu (my best friend's wedding)

this weekend my dear emily got married.
this is us at efy, where our little friendship started, 3 years ago.
(please don't ask why basically all the friends i have right now came in one form or another from the fact that i went to efy in 2006.)

at the reception. she looked amazing!!
and to clarify, i am only in jeans because i came straight from something else and had 20 minutes before the reception was over. there was no time to change.

and now, the good stuff.
friday was the bachelorette party.
and oh what a PARTY it was.
here is almost everyone that came:
yes, i am aware i am short. though in my defense, some of them are wearing heels. and that just isn't really my thing.

she didn't get a bridal shower, so we played a couple bridal shower games too.
our toilet paper wedding dresses:
(please note the paper man in the background ;))

me and hillary. the winners. because we rock. please ignore my face.

it seriously was aaaaamazing. we had so much fun.
the gifts. because some were wildly inappropriate :)
we are already making plans for the next bachelorette party..
now we just need someone to get married.


wishing well

advice for my future children:

-always go to church. always have faith. always trust in the Lord.

-while driving, the middle lane exists not just to turn, but to also brake before the turn. it is not necessary to brake in the normal lane and make everyone behind you slow down. and quite frankly, if someone rear ends you because of it- i will not blame them.

-your life is not complete until you've seen every episode of all 10 seasons of FRIENDS.

-music is essential to life. don't even bother trying to convince me that bands like fall out boy have good music. i will disown you.

-participate in school activities.

-jealousy and regret are wasted emotions.

-get good grades in high school so you can get scholarships. i will love you more if i don't have to pay for your college.

-if you ever decide to jump off the roof onto a trampoline, i don't want to know. unless you break something.

-read books. lots of them.

-if you want to avoid a quarter life crisis, don't let fear keep you from doing what you want to do.

-karma. it exists.


quote of the year


"A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying."
-Grey's Anatomy


take your time

as if i didn't have a big enough homework pile to do
i just made this for my desktop background.
except certain parts are driving me insane
so i'll probably make a new one
(but i'll wait until my homework is done... maybe.)

in other news, i got a mattress this weekend!!!!
...why is that exciting?
because i've had my bedroom furniture for almost 4 weeks now, but had no mattress. i got everything moved into my new room right before i left for utah, but since jessica took my old room, i had no where to sleep. so i'd been sleeping on the couch and/or floor for about 2 weeks.

but no more!!

pictures coming soon!


what i wouldn't give

dear grey's anatomy,
so here's what i'm thinking. you need extras, i need money. do you see where i'm going with this? i don't even need a real acting part. a coma works just fine for me.

dear new moon movie,
please, for my sanity, please be better than twilight was. with the new director and bigger budget, things are looking good. don't let me down.

dear lady gaga,
you are a freaking weirdo.

dear soda,
its been a week and i miss you dearly. figure out a way for me to drink you and not gain weight and we'll talk.

dear fun,
even though that is the lamest name i've ever heard for a band, i quite enjoy your aim & ignite album. it's not the same as the format, but i'll take it.

dear desperate housewives,
sorry it took me 5 years to start watching. i had no idea what i was missing. i promise to be faithful if you promise to not quit now that i've jumped on board. deal? deal.

dear chuck palahniuk,
oh how you bring out the twisted side of me. though i have no idea if that is a good thing or a bad thing. p.s. i envy your writing style.

dear christmas,
in case you forgot, you ain't coming until december 25th. don't get me wrong, i'm excited and all, i just don't think its necessary to start with the decorations just yet. let's at least get through halloween.

dear oreos,
you will be the death of me.

dear construction by my office that has been there since FEBRUARY,
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! finish already!

dear october,
i got to wear my kind-of sweater today, and that pleased me. bring on the cold! and by cold, i mean high 60s, low 70s.



that's what she said.

i went to utah. and i loved it.
wait. what?!

it mostly had to do with her
and that i got to meet all the friends she has made so far.

plus, i got to go to lunch with this girl, which was fabulous. (why the CRAP didn't we take a picture woman?!?!)

i went to a byu football game. don't worry, i didn't convert. ASU forever has my heart.and i really just have to say that had i had a weapon with me, i'd be in prison right now. we had the most obnoxious girls sitting behind us. i won't go into detail other than the fact that the phrases "what the crizzap" and "geeze louise, DOUBLE geeze louise!!" were used. followed by giggling.

saw this movieand fell in love with asher book.

AAAAND, i ate at costa vida every day. seriously.

going back in a few weeks. can't wait!

p.s. please ignore the cold sore on my lip. for me, stress = cold sores. which really is stupid, because like THAT is going to help.


they got more bounce in california than all y'all combined.

remember that one time when i spent a week in the fabulous california?
i finally got the pictures! (thanks bethanie)

don't worry, that tan is long gone. and i know what you're thinking, "what tan?" that's as dark as i've been since 7th grade when i wasn't afraid to wear shorts.

there was a reason i posed like that, but now i can't remember.

this is why i sometimes despise my curly hair. can you say POOFY?! (this and the fact that in 8th grade a kid once told me my hair made me look like a poodle. i never really got over it.)


the whole gang!

it was amazing! i'm so thankful to have a wonderful friend who likes me enough to take me on trips with her. we've already decided we're going to make it a yearly vacation with our own families :)


be calm

i have a new bff: STRESS. we're like two peas in a pod, there is just no separating us (trust me, i've tried).

i've seen this on multiple blogs (because i am a blog stalker. the bsa {blog stalkers anonymous} group is in the works) and decided to make my own. these past few weeks have left me feeling tired and overwhelmed. and did i mention stressed? i need cheering up. so here it goes; my very own happiness list.

30 things that make me just plain HAPPY.

1. singing in the car as loud as i possibly can.
2. strawberries.
3. the smell after it rains.
4. letters from missionaries.
5. cheap sunglasses.
6. spontaneous vacations.
7. the simplicity of sundays (the ones without a hundred meetings).
8. discovering new music artists.
9. tv on dvd.
10. awkward situations.
11. the heat of an arizona summer.
12. the feeling in your stomach during a huge drop on a roller coaster.
13. writing of any kind.
14. imagining the library i'm going to have in my house.
15. reminiscing with my family.
16. adventures.
17. thank you notes.
18. learning new songs on the piano.
19. laying in the grass at night.
20. buying things from ikea and/or target.
21. finding inspiration in something unexpected.
22. my new room.
23. pedicures.
24. text messages.
25. mexican food.
26. orange trees.
27. st. johns, arizona.
28. shoes.
29. candid photos.
30. driving around at night in the winter with all the windows down and the heat on full blast.


screaming infidelities

please, i beg of you. watch these. in order.

to see them all (because oh yes, there are multiple) go to youtube and type in "greatest freak out ever"
you will not be disappointed.


i won't sleep if you won't sleep

no worries everyone, my insomnia is back. or maybe i'm just up because i'm stressing over everything i have to do this week. and trying to figure out how i'm going to have time for it all.

yeah, that's about where i'm at right now.

you know how sometimes you struggle with something, and the answer hits you in the face like a brick, and then you feel stupid for not having figured it out sooner, because uh, hello, its a freaking brick?

and you know how in the scriptures, the word remember is repeated over and over again?

and you know how its used so many times because, oh its probably important that we remember?

well. i forgot.

when i started this post, i had something completely different written. and then i went to refer to an old post. and i saw this, so i read it again (much needed). but that wasn't what i was looking for, so i kept scrolling.

i found what i was looking for. and i read it. and then i found what i was really looking for. you know, the thing i had so stupidly forgotten about.

"You need His help, and you know that you need His help. You cannot do it alone. You will come to realize that and recognize that more and more as the years pass. So live that in good conscience you can speak with the Lord. Get on your knees and thank Him for His goodness to you and express to Him the righteous desires of your hearts. The miracle of it all is that He hears. He responds. He answers--not always as we might wish He would answer, but there is no question in my mind that He answers."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

i remember now. and somehow, i don't think i'm going to have a problem falling asleep.

p.s. my english teacher showed us this link this week. for all you who asked me what in the world i was going to do with an english major, there you go ;)


at least i'm not as sad as i used to be

dear columbia,
i got pretty excited when i found out you allow visiting students for a semester. that is until i saw the $28,000 price tag. but oh, was is a fabulous five minutes.

dear facebookers,
it really is not necessary to list every single activity you participated in that day as your status on a daily basis. we get that you have a fun life, and we're really happy for you. we have fun lives too, but we also have jobs and things to pay for, and therefore cannot simply waste our [parent's] money on anything we please. it also is not necessary to create a photo album for every single month, and fill it with over 100 pictures. i'm sorry, but that is ridiculous.

dear ikea,
i'm moving in.

dear chick-fil-a,
could you please tell your employees to not stick half their body out the window when handing me my order? i was really close to the window, and he was practically IN my car. it was very uncomfortable for me.

dear nike,
i really want to buy your running shoes that have the built in space for the nike + ipod running sensor. but i just can't justify spending that much on something we know i'll only use for a week when i could use that money for other things. such as my columbia fund. or my next trip to ikea.

dear new york city,
don't even worry, i'm coming. not until mid-2010, but i AM coming. i would come sooner, except that a) i have school, b) tax season shows no mercy, and c) you cost a lot of money [that i currently don't have].

dear dr. pepper,
you make my bad days better, and for that i am eternally grateful.

dear lins,
no offense, but thanks for moving out so i could take over your bedroom :) really though, i'm proud of you. i'm glad we work together so i can still see you everyday. thanks for always setting a good example for me, you rock as a big sister.

dear fall television,
oh how i've missed you so. please just start already.

dear ellen degeneres show,
yes, i do check your website everyday because i am determined to get tickets during your 12 days of giveaways. and i will be sad if i don't get them. i ordered a t-shirt last week, i think that means i deserve tickets.



paper bag

i'm in a fake therapy class.
fake because therapy isn't a class.
fake because i'm with strangers.
fake because it's a writing class.

my english class this semester is "personal and exploratory writing." i've only been to one class so far. after we went through the syllabus and the rules, we sat in a circle and talked about the class touchstones. and the importance of not judging others. and trust. and not being offended.

and no, i'm not kidding. that whole part of it is going to take some getting used to. but i'm really excited for this class, and i can tell it will be my favorite this semester, without a doubt.
because i get to start writing. no research. no grammar worksheets. its almost a free for all. i'll get little prompts, but i can turn it into anything i want.

this is what i've been waiting for.

"peter used to say, 'the only thing an artist can do is describe his own face.'
you're doomed to being you.
this, he says, leaves us free to draw anything, since we're only drawing ourselves.
your handwriting. the way you walk. which china pattern you choose. it's all giving you away. everything you do shows your hand.
everything is a self-portrait.
everything is a diary.
because everything is important. every detail. we just don't know why yet."
-excerpt taken from chuck palahniuk's diary


no questions, no answers

tuesday. 12:41pm. phone call.
me: (blah blah blah), how can i help you?
client: i need the papers!
me: okay, may i have your name?
client: but the papers!
me: may i have your name please?
client: its for the (says half of a company name)
me: okay, but may i have your name please?
client: but i need the papers! the papers!
me: i understand that, ma'am. may i have your name?
client: THE PAPERS!!!!!
me: WHAT. IS. YOUR. NAME?? (lindsay said i was rude. i don't think i was rude, or didn't mean to be at least, but you could tell i was frustrated.)
i gave up and put her on hold.

today. 9:39am. phone call (same person)
me: (blah blah blah), how can i help you?
client: i have an appointment. where do i exit on the freeway?
me: where are you coming from?
client: phoenix
me: okay, exit stapley
client: what?
me: stapley
client: what?!
me: exit STAPLEY, and turn left
client: i exit university?
me: no, stapley
client: hold on
friend of client: where do we exit?
me: stapley
friend of client: can you spell it?
me: s-t-a-p-l-e-y
friend of client: s-t-l-p-y
me: no, s-t-a-p-l-e-y. stapley
friend of client: oh, stapley?
me: yes. do you need further directions?
friend of client: no

and then they came in and spoke to lindsay just fine.
at least they make work interesting sometimes.


night drive

look what i got! look what i got!

2009 chevy cobalt
complete with power locks & windows and cup holders in the back seat (neither of which my old car had)
AND. my favorite part.
a usb port for my ipod, so that when i plug the ipod in, it shows up on the radio screen and i can scroll away without ever having to look down at the ipod itself (for safer driving, of course).
and some other stuff i haven't paid any attention to (because of the ipod deal) such as xm radio (that will only stay as long as its free!) and blue tooth.

and now i am so broke its not even funny. ah, growing up.
i don't care. i have a new car and i love it.


straitjacket feeling

...yeah. we'll see.

here's to hoping this week is [just a little bit] better than the weekend was.



i'm going through a phase.

all i want to do is go places. travel. see things. do something.

i meant it when i said i couldn't stop thinking about pres monson's finding joy in the journey talk. i've been focusing a lot on not worrying anymore, especially about things that are totally out of my control. BUT, i don't really believe in the whole "whatever happens, happens" business. we choose where we go and what we do, nothing just "happens." we were given agency for a reason, what a waste it would be to just sit back and let life happen.

and its not just the "big" decisions that matter - its all the little ones that got us to the big decisions in the first place.

"if you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. if you don’t ask, the answer is always no. if you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place."
-nora roberts


hey thanks, thanks for that summer

so long sweet summer,
i stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays
so long sweet slumber,
i fell into you, now you're gracefully falling away
-chris carrabba

dear summer 2009,
i think we should break up. we've had a lot of fun, but school is starting and i'm actually pretty excited for it. school brings a form of organization to my life that you, unfortunately, lack. if it makes you feel any better, you kicked summer 2008's butt. i would even go so far as to say you beat out summer 2007, and that's saying something. really, you're going down in the books as an absolute success.
yours forever,

can i just say that WHOA i start school in a week? as excited as i am, i'm sad summer is ending.

countless girls nights
the proposal (i've only seen it 4 times)
the vegas
all american rejects concert
changing majors
trying to clock my running speed
x-men origins: wolverine
discovering MOJO!
harry potter 6
response from adam lambert
friends getting calls/leaving on missions
(500) days of summer
american idol concert
karaoke party!
getting through all 4 seasons of the oc (almost done)
transformers 2
institute/bowling nights
spending enough time in the sun that i don't blend in with the walls anymore
family feud tryouts
mill ave trips
& other random adventures i can't think of right now

AND, just to not jinx the rest of my summers...

bummer deals:
first car accident
planning 2 cali trips and not going either time
friends getting calls/leaving on missions
getting sick for the 3rd time this year
running out of gas IN the parking lot of the gas station
...i think that's all.

yes, i've had a rockin' summer. but i still have a week and i fully intend to make the most of it :)

as i said, i'm sad. but i'm ready for school and for what little fall arizona gets. plus, i only have school mon-wed. and i don't work fridays. and i fly for free... meaning i can spend many a weekends in utah with bethanie. this might just be my favorite YEAR ever.


take it easy

dear bedroom,
who was i kidding? i can make no such promises. though now i am only a few loads of laundry away from having a clean floor, there are still drawers that need to be cleaned out. and seeing as how you and i will be parting ways very soon, it appears that is actually going to get done.

dear connor,
i'm glad you weren't too embarrassed to sing all those songs with me. but i'm still kind of mad at you for quitting football.

dear treadmill,
our love/hate relationship is about to flip back from hate to love. i stepped on the scale the other day and it wasn't pretty. and now that you've been moved back inside, i figure its time i get some use out of you.

dear nsync,
was it really necessary to break up? if i send you the tape of that song i wrote all those years ago, would that help?

dear asu,
i take back what i said, you actually made the switching majors thing easier for me. not about the tuition though, that is still too high.

dear immune system,
are you kidding me? that's all you've got? its been 3 weeks and my nose is still running and i'm still coughing. i am glad i can breathe again, however.

dear california,
i'm really really bummed i can't come visit this weekend.

dear byu,
just wanted to let you know that you are furthering my dislike for utah. i don't know why my friends think you're so great, but now they're leaving me and i don't know what i'm going to do. so, thanks for that.

dear self,
stop spending money!!!! you're forgetting that even though you have enough for furniture, you still have to buy a mattress and bedding. i'm pretty sure sleeping on the floor in the middle of the bed frame will only be fun the one time.

dear stephenie meyer,
please please please publish midnight sun.



we are family

my dad turned the big five zero today. so, naturally, we had a karaoke party for him on saturday night.

this is us, (kelly. dad. mom. connor. lins. me) singing what we call our family "theme song"

and no, it isn't "love at home" or "families can be together forever"

it's "get over it" by the eagles. and if i remember correctly, that became our theme song quite a while back on a car ride to st. johns. it's the one song we know all the words to, and any time it comes on we belt it out.

with that being said, happy birthday, dad! i love you and am thankful for the example you've set for me and for everything you've taught me (yes, i do listen to you). don't worry about the fact that you're halfway up the "stairway to heaven". the one thing you'll always have to hold on to is the fact that mom is older than you. (sorry, mom!)



this is why i love my life:

our family portrait.

sometimes, i think we have too much fun.

p.s. "chest" is our names.
C assie
H illary
E mily
S hannon
T ara

no worries, the shirts are in the works.


roses are red, violets are blue...

go see it. it's more than worth the drive to scottsdale.

p.s. saw the trailer for paper heart. so excited!


note to self

dear cold sore,
go away!!!!!! please.

dear asu,
the fact that your degree program for an english major is only at the phoenix campus is really making this switching majors thing difficult. also, tuition is too much.

dear costa vida,
i've asked you before and i'll ask you again. please move by my house. they just cut down the corn fields and there is plenty of room. don't forget about the drive thru.

dear creator of the credit card,
what were you thinking?

dear paper chain on my wall,
i'm happy there are only 297 links of you left. but there are (approximately) only 271 days left, and i can't decide how to go about fixing that.

dear dad,
i'm happy you only changed your work schedule for 6 weeks. i'm not feeling the whole me getting home after you've already left for work and going all week without really seeing you thing. and, i still want to go to ah-so's.

dear taco bell,
if costa vida does move closer and gets a drive thru, don't fret. you won't be replaced. though i am kind of annoyed that you were closed when i went to go get food tonight and it was only 11.

dear upset client,
i hope you weren't trying to be professional in that letter you sent us. as a general rule, the phrase "pull the trigger" is never really appropriate.

dear bedroom,
i promise i'll get around to cleaning you this weekend. maybe...

dear arizona,
i don't know why everyone is complaining. i quite enjoy your heat. though to be totally honest, i would cheat on you with california if i had the chance.

dear insomnia,
we've never been friends, and i prefer to keep it that way. any time you want to leave, let me know. i don't like tossing and turning all night. i miss sleep.



the good life

kelly and i went to the american idol concert this week. call me a dork, i don't care. it was cool :) i took a plethora of pictures (mostly of adam) and video, but i'll spare you. here are some favorites.

when i woke up monday morning, i had a really bad cold. but the tickets were a lot of money and well, let's face it, we all know how much i love adam. there was no way i was missing it. i had a bad runny nose all day so we went and bought those little mini tissue packs to take with us. i went through about 4 of them. YEAH. it was miserable. i look ridiculous in all the pictures because my nose is bright red and my eyes are super watery, hence the black and white & funny angle of my face. i was trying to hide it.

bottom 6: michael, lil, anoop, matt, megan, scott

ah, i love it! adam & allison.

we waited after to get autographs and had 40 year old women trying to get in front of us via shoving, standing uncomfortably close, & saying, "can you move so we can stand next to each other?" uh, no. they already were next to each other, they just weren't at the front. it just made me laugh. yeah, we went out there but we didn't push our way through, we just waited. funny people.

most of them were really nice, and we got autographs for my mom from all those ones :) these are the only good picures i got of them outside during the signing and whatnot. my camera was close to dying so i wasn't taking pictures at the beginning.. those people just weren't as important. ha ;)





it was fun, definitely glad i went. they all sound so much better live. i'm actually looking forward to all of their solo albums.

california post coming soon. i don't have the pictures yet.