
"Ain't Nothin' Gonna Break My Stride

Nobody gonna slow me down. Oh no, I got to keep on movin'"
Thank you Matthew Wilder for providing for me my theme song last week.

WELL. Lots of things to blog about.

First is my birthday! Last Tuesday I turned the ripe old age of 19. Which means next year I will be in my 20's. Ew. Since my birthday was on the American Idol finale, we decided to go to dinner on Wednesday instead (no worries, we DVR'd it and were able to catch up so we we're watching Arizona's version of live to find out who won). After American Idol I went to Mill Ave with Bethanie and Rachel and we just walked around. Since I was turning 19 on the 19th, we were going to take pictures with 19 random guys (stolen from Gilmore Girls), but quickly remembered that all the guys on Mill Ave are creepy and that it was sort of a lost cause. So we went into American Apparel and dressed up weird and took pictures of that. And we got ice cream :) We did get one picture with these 3 random guys, but only because they approached us. I can't remember why they came up to us but we asked for a picture and one of them looked at me and said, "uh, can I sign your butt?" Yes, seriously. I told him no, and then he asked if I would sign his. I said no again, so they settled for the picture. It made for a great story.

In case anyone forgot, I love Adam Lambert. Like really. He is amazing. So you all can imagine my reaction to Kris winning. Don't get me wrong, I like Kris and I'm starting to think it was better that he won so that Adam won't have to release that ridiculous "No Boundaries" as his first single (anyone else notice it was a little too high for both of them? and why can't they do a song that doesn't have the theme of 'I can do anything'), and so he will have a little more freedom with his debut album. But I am still bummed. Seriously, I could go on and on about this but I'll spare you. Congrats to Kris. Adam is still my favorite (really... I've found my new obsession).

My friend Bethanie graduated from Highland this year! Since the majority of my friends are younger than me (plus the fact that the ones my age moved away or are on missions) we decided to just pretend I was graduating. She was senior class president so she got to speak at Baccalaureate (by default, the student body president is an idiot and planned a senior prank that got a little out of hand, therefore forfeiting his speaking rights) AND at graduation and she did awesome both times! I went to her Baccalaureate, seminary graduation (which she sang at) and the graduation at Highland. I didn't go to my Baccalaureate last year and only stayed at seminary graduation long enough to get my diploma (certificate? do they call it a diploma just for seminary?) because Jeremy was leaving (that part coming later) so I was a little preoccupied. I was glad I went, it was all really cool. And of course it rained at the graduation. And we all sat through it. It made it kind of cool, but my hair + rain = weird wavy/curly mess that doesn't look good no matter how you fix it. It was fun though and it was fun to sit at the graduation and cheer for all my friends without having to worry about myself and walking/tripping, etc.

As mentioned before (kind of), Jeremy has been out for a YEAR! He is doing really well and was able to baptize a woman not too long ago. They have some investigators that he isn't sure are too promising, but something is better than nothing. It's crazy to me that its been a year and I keep thinking "oh sweet I'm half way done" and then I think "ugh, I have to do that all over again." But all is well :)

1 comment:

MeganHowell said...

we will always be adams biggest fans!!! dont even worry- he WILL be iconic, and im pretty sure that people are already forgetting about this "kris" character anyways:) HURRAY FOR JEREMY!!! one year! wow! one down to go;) you can do it girl!!!! its all downhill from here, right?? right.