
The Good Life

1. I am thankful that the "Yes for Marriage" props passed in Arizona, California and Florida.

2. I am thankful its getting colder. I got to wear my jacket all day today without getting hot. It was a very exciting day for me.

3. I am thankful that my father's motorcycle still does not work. Sorry dad, I know its been getting annoying and today was quite the adventure trying to get home, but I'm glad. To quote him, "I don't want to have to go identify your body on the road some day." (something he would tell me about Kelly- whose boyfriend has a motorcycle) Yes, the man who has told me my whole life to "never get on the back of a motorcycle with a guy" has his own broken bike. And I'm glad it doesn't work. I think its a sign he isn't supposed to ride it.


dani said...

Yay! I'm glad your doing the challenge! Love your blog, so cute. And so is that missionary of yours! :) Hope everythings going good with ya!

Jamie said...

I'm with you on the motorcycle thing. Don't think we have to worry about it at this point. :) Love that you're doing this. We all need to think about what we are grateful for. And I am thankful for you.

M + L said...

I'm thankful for you too! Dad is so funny about his bike. I was talking to him the other day and he told me the repair man took 2 months to fix his bike. I think maybe it's a sign too. Ha ha! Who knew Dad would be a bike rider?! Cracks me up!